Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Steve Trahanas - Digital Marketing Strategies Plan


An incorporated computerized technique will give you an establishment for all the key internet advertising exercises we suggest in the Smart Insights RACE advanced promoting arranging structure.

Plan - Use an information driven way to deal with survey your present advanced promoting adequacy, modify investigation, set up KPI dashboards and SMART goals make a technique of organized enhancements to how you send computerized advertising media, innovation and information to build leads and deals

Reach - Build mindfulness utilizing the 6 key web based promoting strategies which will drive visits to your website.

Act - Encourage associations on your site or web-based media to assist you with creating leads for future

Convert - Use retargeting, sustaining and change rate enhancement to remind and convince your crowd to purchase on the web or disconnected if telephone and up close and personal stations if these are critical to you.

Connect with - Increase deals from existing clients by improving customized correspondences utilizing web, email and web-based media advertising

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Steve Trahanas - How Digital Marketing Can Increase Your Profit


The adoption of the right marketing strategy plays an eminent role in whirling an ordinary business into a successful brand. Due to the growing competition, there exists a massive demand for digital marketing companies as more and more businesses are opting for online marketing tools for reaching their target audience. A well-reputed and professional digital marketing agency takes the high-end responsibility of the products or services of companies for targeting audiences and generating measurable results. No other service can bring similar results which the digital service guarantees you within just a few months. The companies can take the help of a professional e-marketing agency for achieving high returns on investments.

Make your brand visible in the digital world with an online marketing campaign

Today, it has become extremely crucial for businesses to hire e-marketing firms to gain a competitive edge over others. The specialists working with the best digital marketing company in Colardo has immense experience and expertise in managing and successfully completing online campaigns for several of the businesses. Steve Trahanas team keeps itself abreast with the latest updates and make use of the most advanced technology for generating the best results. The company employs a team of domain experts who offer comprehensive digital marketing services in Gurgaon which includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), (SEM), Social Media Optimization (SMO), and Pay per Click (PPC) etc to the organizations across varied sectors.

Develop robust strategies for attracting the desired audience worldwide

The online strategies facilitate businesses to achieve high ROI and make their brand visible in the digital world. Today online marketing has become a mandatory tool to stay ahead in the competitive market while retaining the comprehensiveness of your services and brand essence. The digital marketing services in Colorado help the business to achieve their marketing goals and reach the maximum number of people to convey their message. Steve Trahanas hiring the right digital agency you get a chance to work with the best marketing strategists who will evaluate the performance of your organization and develop robust strategies for attracting new customers. The online marketing firm develops and implements a robust strategy for your business which increases its reputation in the digital world. In fact, the digital marketing agency always keeps the record portfolio of all its work.


In the competitive world of today, the organizations are required to embrace quite a wide variety of marketing strategies and all those who actually fail to incorporate the most effective marketing strategies are being left behind. In order to achieve success and realize their business goals, the companies can look forward to the digital marketing agency that meets all the individualized needs of clients. Your business can get a big boost with the help of the online marketing company. From the past decade, there has been a tremendous change in the field of marketing and since the entire world is inclined digitally, the companies are left with no choice but to follow the digital trends to promote their products and services to their target consumers. Today companies need to learn how to utilize digital campaigns to increase their brand awareness and to maximize their impact on the target audience.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Steve Trahanas - Plan An Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Planning is the key to success

If you want to build productive relationships and engagements with your customers, careful planning and execution of your digital marketing campaign is crucial. So, how to plan a digital marketing campaign that incorporates all your diverse elements into a resounding success?

Just what is a digital marketing campaign?

Broadly speaking, a digital marketing campaign comprises online marketing and advertising activity over a set period of time. It aims to drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, engagement and revenue, among other things. Steve Trahanas should use a combination of marketing channels, such as email marketing, social media, pay-per-click (Search Engine Marketing) and a mobile app, in order to deliver a campaign message which targets your audience base.

What makes an effective digital marketing campaign?

It goes without saying that your digital marketing business plan should be based on your target audience’s needs (eg whether your focus is B2B or B2C), as well as your business goals.

Here are some key steps – a digital marketing campaign checklist:

Set realistic objectives

Define your target audience

Choose your best channels to deliver great CX

Set your key performance indicators (KPIs)

Test and optimise

Apply your findings

Set your digital marketing objectives

It’s always best to limit your campaign goals to only two to three primary objectives. This is because a longer list generally results in you having to manage too many variables. Steve Trahanas says other considerations include your available budget, your timeframes for a result, and the resources you have available to adjust your campaign program.

Your campaign objectives might include:

Customer acquisition or retention by X%

A free shipping promotion

Refer a friend promotion

Superannuation consolidation

An EOFY promotion

Know and segment your customers or audience

Every customer wants your brand to communicate with him or her on a one-to-one basis. To do this you need to find out as much as possible about your target market, in order to personalise your messages.

You can create personas by segmenting your audience, then identifying the needs and behaviours of these different segments. Determine these sectors by, for example, analysing the sales, loyalty and CRM data of your customers, or leads. You can also obtain qualitative input from your sales team, account managers, or even industry data to build an overall picture of your different personas into a single customer view (SCV). You can even create lookalike audience samples, to determine your target audience.

But to really pinpoint your audience, your campaign should have a range of audited and valid data attributes for your customers and prospects. Using this quality data, after taking subsets from each of your primary segments, you can experiment by creating ‘subsets, to qualify the right audience level(s).

Monday, August 3, 2020

Steve Trahanas - Comparing And Evaluating The Best Providers For Digital Marketing

There are plenty of opportunities on the line when you work with any of the digital marketing companies. Yet the outcome often depends on who you work with so you have to be careful. You can't just base that decision on the first one you find or the one with the lowest price. You have to compare them and make a well-informed decision. The future of your business matters.
Take a look at what is drawing you to a particular business. This speaks volumes about what they can do if they have their own marketing in place to draw you in. That is a powerful way to see who has something very unique that will reach your target audience too.

Evaluate and Discuss

To get a good idea of who is out there, spend some time gathering information on various digital marketing companies. Steve Trahanas says you can find out plenty about what they do, when they get started, customer feedback, packages, and more by searching online. With just a few hours of searching, you will have plenty of information to work with.

From there, you can complete a shortlist of potential digital marketing companies to get in touch with. Call them to set up an appointment to discuss your needs. Have a list of questions ready to ask each of them so you can get that most out of that time. There is no obligation when you contact them to hire them. This is all for information gathering purposes only at this point.

Process to get Started

Find out specifics about the process of getting started. What do each of the digital marketing companies you talk to offer as their starting point. How are they going to gather your information and create a strategy that works well for your business/ How long will it take to get started? What will they use for testing and tracking of the results so they can share information with you?

Steve Trahanas should be concerned about your marketing goals, the direction of your business, and the types of products or services you offer. If they aren't asking about those details, you should be worried. It could mean they are going to offer just a generic type of offer and not one customized for your business. That isn't going to get you the results you should be after.

They should share with you the cost for getting it all started and in motion. While they can't guarantee certain results, they should be able to give you an estimate of when you will see changes and results. There should be a follow-up too to discuss how that has flowed and if any changes need to be made.

Examples and Customer Retention

Ask for information about specific marketing elements they have put in place for other businesses. Most digital marketing companies can show you a portfolio of such work. Don't forget to ask about customer retention. If they have a long-term relationship with a high percentage of customers that speaks volumes about them.

However, if many of their customers move on to hire one of the other digital marketing companies, you need to find out why. Do they stop performing for their customers once they have them? You need a business willing to help move your business forward and to take it to new levels. They should face challenges and look for possibilities.

They should be working with your team too as an extension so everyone is on the same page. They will have more resources and time than your in-house employees. Yet they should all be working for similar goals and outcomes. Make sure this need is conveyed before you hire any entity to complete the work for you. If there is a communication gap, it won't work.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Steve Trahanas - Digital Marketing Trends, Strategies And Tactics

Social media changed the digital marketing landscape. Today, new forces are changing digital marketing again.
There’s more emphasis today on personalization, video, micro-content stories, artificial intelligence, visual search and voice search. Steve Trahanas moving toward a world where technology will be integral in all aspects of our lives, including work, family and social interaction.

Digital marketers already know the value of SEO and its ability to help rank higher on search engines. Today’s marketing strategy is shifting toward new mediums for attracting and appeasing customers.

Digital marketing trends suggest customers’ priorities have also changed. They expect convenience, 24/7 availability, a direct conversation style, accurate information, customized services and recommendations.

Digital marketers today should keep one goal in mind: Customer satisfaction. You need to offer your audience an unforgettable experience.

To achieve this and measure your results, you can analyze website user data. User-generated content is also information that can provide insights into how your offering resonates with customers.

Insights Instead Of Data

Today, analytics, data, reports and dashboards are in every marketing and sales technology product. Steve Trahanas says But knowing what that data tells you and exactly what to do about it remains elusive. Going forward, insights will be the currency of marketers and sales operations experts.
Those insights, when properly prioritized, will drive the action plans that optimize tactical performance and improve results from both marketing and sales executions. Tools like MAXG, an insight and recommendation engine, tell marketers what exactly to do and in what order to do it.


Customers love their personalized support, while businesses save time, money and resources. Chatbots are the modern customer support assistant. They listen to you, answer questions and resolve issues within seconds. Chatbots learn more about you as you share more information with them. The banking and pharmaceutical industries rely heavily on chatbots to look after small tasks and answer repetitive questions.

Chat has enabled conversational marketing, a new form of marketing that allows prospects to skip the form or the email and start an immediate conversation with marketing or sales. This typically accelerates the sales process and provides an upgraded experience for the prospects.
Artificial intelligence will push customer service into a new age. AI is at the heart of this new chatbot wave. It analyzes consumers’ actions and search patterns, and pulls information from social media channels to better “train” the chatbot. This also assists brands in developing a deeper understanding of how to better serve their customers.

The Personal Aspect Of Every Customer

Your next product or service may be the result of your customers’ feedback. Social media platforms allow you to offer interactive and customized brand experiences. Brands should think about bringing a personalized touch across all of their marketing channels.

You can increase sales and customer loyalty by working on personalized emails, content and experiences. This opens the door to having a stronger connection with your customers.
Personalized emails deliver relevant messages with the right tone. They show you care about your customers. A core part of your digital marketing strategy should be about offering the same level of attention to all of your customers, whether they’re first-time shoppers or repeat purchasers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Steve Trahanas - How to Choose the Right Manufacturing Digital Marketing Tactics

Focusing on too many marketing tactics and channels is a sure way to fail at all of them. That’s why 35% of manufacturing marketers last year discontinued specific marketing activities they’ve found to be ineffective so they could concentrate on those that yield the best results.

Analyze Your Audience

Your marketing should always be driven by your audience—but only 51% of manufacturing marketers prioritize their audience’s informational needs over their sales message!

Steve Trahanas says Before determining your marketing strategy, make sure you understand your audience by going through these steps.

Create Buyer Personas: Determine 2-3 of your ideal buyers and create profiles—also known as buyer personas—that list everything you know about them. Where do they live and what is their education level? What are their main concerns, and why would they need your product? Be as specific as possible.

Learn How Your Audience Gets Information: Once you know your ideal buyer personas, take the time to investigate how they get information and engage online. Use customer surveys, social media demographics, and study industry publications to learn what formats your audience is most likely to consume and where they go for answers to questions. Your ideal audience may Google their questions, turn to YouTube for how-to videos, or send out questions on Facebook.

Set Marketing Goals
What do you want to get out of your digital marketing efforts? 54% of manufacturing companies in 2019 say they are somewhat proficient at aligning metrics with their marketing, compared to 34% last year. The most common manufacturing digital marketing goals are:

Brand Awareness: For 79% of manufacturing marketers, the goal is to promote awareness around their brand, making it more familiar to their target audience.

Educate Audiences: 69% of manufacturing marketers plan on engaging their audience by providing informative, useful content that could benefit them.

Generate Leads: 66% of manufacturing marketers say they aim to build a list of potential clients that could convert into sales.

Build Credibility And Trust: 60% of marketers are looking to establish their brand as an authority in their industry to gain the trust of their target audience.

Build Loyalty With Existing Clients/Customers: Steve Trahanas building loyalty among customers gives brands a high return on time invested in their marketing, and is the fifth most common goal among manufacturing marketers.

Identify Resources and Determine Budget
Spreading your marketing across too many tactics and channels can divide your focus. On top of that, it will stretch your available budget and resources to their limits. Before choosing which digital marketing tactics your business will focus on, determine what resources you have available to you.
Your marketing resources will include three things:
Digital Marketing Budget
Existing Marketing Materials
Marketing Talent
When you start, the percent of your overall marketing budget devoted to digital marketing will probably be relatively low, and the marketing materials you have available to leverage may be few. For example, if your existing Marketing Talent is more experienced in traditional marketing tactics, you may need to hire additional talent or look towards a digital marketing agency to help you set a marketing strategy and execute.

Choose Manufacturing Digital Marketing Tactics
Once you have a better idea of what your audience wants, what your business needs, and what your budget will allow, you can choose which digital marketing tactics you’d like to start out with. On average, manufacturing marketers use five tactics for distributing marketing content—but this depends on the individual business.

The following are examples of useful digital marketing tactics for manufacturers. Before you invest in any of these, be sure to take the tips listed above into account: your audience, goals, resources, and budget. Knowing these factors will help you decide which of these tactics will be suited to your business.

Content Marketing
Creating blogs, videos, guides, and other content can be a great way to establish brand awareness for your company and generate leads. As an organization grows in content marketing maturity, its success is likely to increase; only 28/% of manufacturers rated their content marketing as mature or sophisticated, but of those companies, 41% said they were very successful with content marketing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Steve Trahanas - Use a Digital Marketing Strategy to Increase Impact

A digital marketing strategy is a set of guidelines that outlines for brands what they want to accomplish and how to reach their goals. It provides brands with guidance as they deploy their efforts, helping to keep everything moving efficiently and effectively. Despite the importance of a digital marketing strategy, an estimated 65 percent of marketers say that they do not have one integrated into their broader marketing platform, and a full 47 percent say that they have no digital marketing strategy at all, even though they do try to employ digital marketing tactics. This places these organizations at an incredible disadvantage as they try to gain a foothold within the digital ecosystem.

Creating a digital marketing strategy

Steve Trahanas says effective online marketing strategies should provide an outline of what the brand hopes to accomplish and how they are going to go about doing it. It should provide information about every step of the journey, helping brands to visualize their end results. The strategy can be adjusted as the organization progresses and they are better able to identify the techniques that work and those that are less efficient.

1. Outline your goals and expectations. To begin, brands should develop a list of goals that they want to see reached through their digital marketing strategy. These goals should be concrete and quantifiable. For example, organizations might mention a percent increase in their share of voice, a particular jump in year over year performance, or a certain revenue number that they would like to hit.

2. Outline your buyer personas and their buyer journeys. Once the brand understands precisely what they hope to accomplish with their marketing efforts, the next step is to identify exactly who they are trying to reach with their messages. With an SEO strategy, the importance of a target audience is far higher than with other, more traditional marketing practices. Rather than broadcasting information to particular demographics, brands instead must understand exactly what their targeted customers want to read, and thus be able to entice them to explore their website and their brand.

3. Look at your existing content. Now is the time when you need to look at your existing content. Steve Trahanas says perform a basic audit to uncover the content that you already have and line it up to the buyer journey for your different ideal customer personas. This will help you start to understand how your content fits with the model, where your strengths lie and where you have room for improvement in your digital marketing strategy.

4. Select the keywords for your material. Keyword research will be the next important step in your SEO strategy. It is important to differentiate keyword research from the old, defunct methods of SEO and keyword stuffing. Keyword research revolves around using insights into search patterns to identify the topics that matter the most to your audience. You want to look at the terms and the topics that have the highest search rates so that you can create the content that is there to answer the needs and questions of your audience. On BrightEdge, you can perform this research using the Data Cube. You can then even take your research a step further by using the Recommendations engine to look at the top ten pages for a particular keyword to gain insights into what helps these pages rank and where you can improve and outrank them.

5. Create high-value content, optimize it, and distribute. Armed with your keyword research, your buyer personas and their journeys, and the insights into your most popular content, you now need to create high-value content that will engage your customers. This content should be driven by what you know about your target customers as well as your defined goals. For example, share of voice or brand awareness goals might include a greater interest in developing content for major publications or attracting followers on social media. Goals focused on revenue will center around creating material that guides people through the entire buyer’s journey to conversion and making a purchase. This material will then need to be optimized to help it stand out to the search engines and consumers.